A Specialised Wheelchair Transport Service
Reliable and Respectful
For bookings and enquiries please call 09 443 2506
Email: office@randrmobility.co.nz
Based in North Shore, servicing Auckland wide.
We are a registered service provider for ACC
We are an authorised operator under Auckland Transport’s Total Mobility (TM) scheme, which provides a 50% discount on fares below $80 subsidy cap for the eligible TM cardholders. 
From 1 April 2022 TM cardholders get a further 50% off TM fares below the $80 cap. This makes an effective 75% discount off the fare. This discount will be permanent for TM cardholders from April 2023. For more information on how much discount TM cardholders can get, please revisit the AT website: https://at.govt.nz/bus-train-ferry/whaikaha-accessible-travel/total-mobility-scheme
Here’s what our customers say about our service (from Google reviews):
— “Everyone who works in this company is doing a great and wonderful job. When my daughter’s transportation is handled by them, I know she is in good hands.
Owners, managers and drivers, They are all doing their services with love and passion.
They are the best. I give them 7 stars *******”
— “These guys are great value and really helpful, professional and reliable. New lease of life for my mum to get out and about. Highly recommended.”
— “Great drivers. Nice people”
© R&R Mobility Ltd 2022